A lot of our players are concerned on how exactly our courtesy level works, and what actions can be taken against cheaters. To help clarify the issue, Konami wish to give our players some insight into some of the details of our courtesy level. Please bear in mind that this is as much information as Konami an make public, however Konami have more systems in place to both detect and deal with cheaters that Konami cannot make public, as to avoid users trying to override our system.
Disconnection rate and Fair play
Before Konami explain courtesy levels, Konami have to define disconnection rates and fair plays, which help define each tier in our courtesy level rating system.
The last 50 matches played are taken into consideration to calculate the disconnection rate as follows.
Completed Matches
Slightly High
After each match, players can choose to give a "Fair play" award when they feel their opponent has played the match without the use of any exploits or cheats. This is only awarded when both players give a "Fair Play" award, and not just one.
Courtesy Level
Taking into consideration Disconnection Rates and Fair Play awards, our courtesy level is then calculated:
Courtesy Level
Fair Play
Over 300
Slightly High
The Fair Play awards will be saved over time in your account, no matter what courtesy level you currently have, but they will only be used to determine your courtesy level when you have a courtesy level of A or higher (i.e: when you have a low disconnection rate in your last 50 matches).
Effects of low Courtesy Level
When a player has a low Courtesy Level, some limitations to his account will be set into place.
Players will only be matched against other players with a courtesy level of B or lower.
Some online features will be restricted until a higher courtesy level is achieved:
- They will not be able to participate in Online Competitions.
- They will not be included in Player Rankings.
- They will not be able to participate in Rival Rankings.
Furthermore players will be matched against other players with a Courtesy Level of C until their Courtesy Level increase.
Konami have also set up an alert system to make players aware of when their Courtesy Level is about to drop to C.
- When a player has only managed to complete 37 of the last 50 matches, a message will be displayed warning him that he is close to dropping to Courtesy Level C.
- When a player has dropped to Courtesy Level C, he will be shown a message informing him each time he logs in and each time he completes a match.
Reporting Players
You can contact the relevant Customer Support team for your region and report players who have either used a cheat, used offensive or harassing language, or interrupted an online session illegally, so our team can investigate the situation and taken the appropriate actions.
Email: CustomerSupport@kde-us.com
English: https://uk.secure.konami-europe.com/support.do
French: https://fr.secure.konami-europe.com/support.do
Italian: https://it.secure.konami-europe.com/support.do
German: https://de.secure.konami-europe.com/support.do
Spanish: https://es.secure.konami-europe.com/support.do
Please note that only reports that include the following can be taken into consideration for an investigation:
- Name of the player being reported
- Game platform on which the match occurred
- A screenshot of the match where the name of both players are shown and in the case of verbal abuse, it should also show an example of the incident itself.
Unfortunately our teams will not be able to take any action if any of the previous items are missing.
Konami hope this has helped solve some of the questions you had about our online cheating system and remember that you are always welcome to contact our teams either on Facebook or on our Customer Service channels if you need any help or information. Konami will be more than happy to give you a hand if Konami can!